Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Russ & Daughters: Double Smoked Danish Salmon

Last week, on our way out of town, we dropped by ALLEVA DAIRY in Little Italy to pick up fresh salted mozzarella for pizzas we were making for my mother-in-law in MA. On the way out of the store, I noticed a moz & prosciutto panini and thought of my ravenous husband waiting in the car. I decided to surprise him, and he was like a kid in a candy store when I handed him the warm salty sandwich.

It took me a few blocks or less to realize I was jealous, and I decided to pull over at Russ & Daughters on our way to the FDR and have a treat of my own. I go in weekly, and the Russ & Daughters team are an awesome crew. I asked (with little hope) if there might be any Double Smoked Danish Salmon left. My server laughed, and said they ran out days ago. Then, he thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, one person didn't pick up their order, let me see if someone else has already sold it." And that, friends, is how I managed to get a Russ & Daughters Double Smoked Danish Salmon Bagel. The flavor and texture were amazing. So smooth and moist, more delicate than any other salmon I've enjoyed at R & D. It was a sublime experience, and I will be more prepared next year for the annual delivery of this delicacy, and get my order in early!