Last week, on our way out of town, we dropped by ALLEVA DAIRY in Little Italy to pick up fresh salted mozzarella for pizzas we were making for my mother-in-law in MA. On the way out of the store, I noticed a moz & prosciutto panini and thought of my ravenous husband waiting in the car. I decided to surprise him, and he was like a kid in a candy store when I handed him the warm salty sandwich.
It took me a few blocks or less to realize I was jealous, and I decided to pull over at Russ & Daughters on our way to the FDR and have a treat of my own. I go in weekly, and the Russ & Daughters team are an awesome crew. I asked (with little hope) if there might be any Double Smoked Danish Salmon left. My server laughed, and said they ran out days ago. Then, he thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, one person didn't pick up their order, let me see if someone else has already sold it." And that, friends, is how I managed to get a Russ & Daughters Double Smoked Danish Salmon Bagel. The flavor and texture were amazing. So smooth and moist, more delicate than any other salmon I've enjoyed at R & D. It was a sublime experience, and I will be more prepared next year for the annual delivery of this delicacy, and get my order in early!
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